Do you believe in random acts of kindness?
How about paying it forward- like the movie?
I do... I'm the happy pessimist, yes, but I do believe that these things can work. The question is how? I love doing good deeds, charitable work, etc. I want to do it all...and then end up achieving nothing.
Anyway... what have you achieved? I've given when the moment arises... like a lady who was obviously not well to do who was a few dollars short in paying for her sparse groceries. I couldn't help but turn and give her what she needed. Can't all of humanity be that way?
Is it then selfish to wonder where someone is with those few dollars for you? No... we all have needs.
Let's just start fresh and do something new; Try this:
- Buy a few dollars worth of lottery tickets and give them to strangers
- pass along good reviews to the manager of your waiter or on the phone
- Give up your seat for someone
- Help an elderly neighbor - mow the yard, clear the sidewalks, offer to go to the store for them
- Hand out single flowers to strangers with a smile
- Write simple happy notes and leave them some place public...
It's just little things... You may be surprised what comes of it. If nothing else, I love that warm fuzzy feeling inside.
I love this post..it makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Very inspirational :) I also love how it runs right into the stupid rude idiots post LMAO